Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Patient Safety Report

Photo by didbygraham

The National Patient Safety Agency (NPSA), on behalf of the Patient Safety Forum, has published 'Safety first: one year on'.

This report reveals that many major milestones have been reached over the last year, but that there is still a lot of work to do to ensure that all NHS organisations have patient safety as their number one priority.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Double click on the card to enlarge it.

Watch the all action video!

The ScHARR Library Blog would like to wish all our friends and colleagues a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Wednesday, 12 December 2007

NEW: Research Funding Update: Project and Programmes

Do you have a great research idea but no funding? Are you looking for funding for a new project or programme?

Photo by Twm™

If you would like to be added to the distribution list for the Research Funding Update contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email For more information about the funding service available from the ScHARR library please view our Research Funding page.

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

Book of the Week

Economic Analysis in Health Care by Stephen Morris, Nancy Devlin and David Parkin (2007)

Be the first to read this new book by three leaders in the field of health economics. "Economic Analysis in Health Care" provides a comprehensive coverage of both the economics of health care systems and the evaluation of health care technologies. It has been written as a core textbook for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students with knowledge of economic analysis and will appeal to an international audience. It adopts an international perspective, using examples and case studies from the UK, the rest of Europe, and other countries. It contains detailed exposition of the economic theory alongside relevant examples and applications. It focuses on both market-related and economic evaluation aspects of health economics (some books focus purely on market-related aspects). It is contributed by a strong author team with very broad experience of writing and teaching health economics. (Review courtesy of

Available to borrow from ScHARR library or buy it now:

Take Five December

It is packed full of current awareness, training courses, research funding opportunities and new websites.

Photo by Sandra Regina

Take Five is the Trent RDSU’s monthly update. To join the Take Five distribution list please contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

Thursday, 29 November 2007

NEW Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships

Are you looking for funding for a Fellowship or Studentship? Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships.


The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

ScHARR Mental Health Seminar

Photo by Daniel Morris
"How do mainstream secondary pupils with Asperger syndrome/high
functioning autism socially spend their school day?"


By Jenny Wainscot & Jenna Williams
Mental Health Group, ScHARR, University of Sheffield

12.30-1.30pm on Tuesday 11th December 2007
Lecture Rooms 1 & 2, First Floor, ScHARR, Regent Court, University of Sheffield

This seminar talk reports research that Jenny has spent the last year
working on for her BMedSci dissertation with Dr. Paul Naylor, Dr. Paul
Sutcliffe and Prof. Digby Tantam and the contribution to it that Jenna
has made since July.

Asperger syndrome (AS) is characterised by difficulties with social
relationships and social communication, poor coordination and a
restricted range of interests. People with AS have average or above
average intelligence and for this reason are normally educated in
mainstream schools. The manifestations of the disorder however, may
result in pupils with AS experiencing difficulties in the mainstream
setting with respect to forming and maintaining friendships and in
engaging in social communication with peers. These difficulties could
lead to pupils with the disorder being potential targets of bullying
This research investigated the social relationships of pupils with AS,
their use of the school environment and their experiences of being
bullied by comparison with a group of typically developing peers.

Friday, 16 November 2007

NEW: Research Funding Update: Project and Programmes

Do you have a great research idea but no funding? Are you looking for funding for a new project or programme?

Then have a look through the new edition of

Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes

Photo by julian-

The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.

Thursday, 8 November 2007

Betty Glover Library Workout Tape Ad

You know what they say about 'all work no play...'?
Well we stumbled across this (OK searched) on that repository of video nonsense YouTube and retrieved this classic example of library aerobosize. So for those of you carrying those few extra pounds and happen to work in a library, this is the ideal workout.

So what are you waiting for? Work it baby!

New MRC Research Opportunities page

Photo by iainr

Stay up-to-date about new and ongoing funding opportunities – now all in one place on the website.

Read the announcements, as they happen, from the MRC and the NIHR working together under the single health research funding strategy, alongside the latest MRC opportunities, available grants, calls for proposals and highlight notices.

All available on one easy-to-remember address:

Tuesday, 6 November 2007

NHS Choices website Update

Photo by didbygraham
The Department of Health has announced an update of the NHS Choices website.
NHS Choices has new features, expanded content, and significantly enhanced navigation. The service is designed to help people make the most of their own health and get the best out of the UK’s healthcare system. People using the site can find good quality information about medical conditions, treatments, advice on healthy living, and comparative data on hospitals.
NHS Choices is a long-term project, which will continue to evolve over the next 18 months with new features and content added via a series of planned new releases. The new service is flexible and will continually improve and adapt in response to feedback from those in and outside, of the NHS.

Monday, 5 November 2007

Take Five November

Take Five November 2007 is out now.

It is packed full of current awareness, training courses, research funding opportunities and new websites.

Photo by cybele-la

Take Five is the Trent RDSU’s monthly update. To join the Take Five distribution list please contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email


Are you looking for funding for a Fellowship or Studentship? Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships.

The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.

Recommended Website - The EQUATOR project - Guidelines for reporting research

Photo by Dimplemonkey

The EQUATOR Project is a new website providing resources for good reporting of health research. The resources are aimed at researchers (authors of research articles), journal editors, peerreviewers, and developers of reporting guidelines.

As their website states: "Too often, good research evidence is undermined by poor quality reporting." To address this they state that; "The EQUATOR Network is a new initiative that seeks to improve the quality of scientific publications by promoting transparent and accurate reporting of health research."

Go fish.

Friday, 2 November 2007

The Greatest Health Websites in the World Ever - Volume One

Photo by AndrewEick

As part of a course that our own Claire Beecroft is running - 'Searching for Research in Cyberspace' - she's put together a list of decent health-related websites (plus a few non-health but useful ones) organised by category.
There may be something below that you've not come across - and watch out for Volume Two (The Remixes)

Just about every health research-related website you could ever need….

Discussion Lists:

• Evidence-based health:
• Health services research:
• Public health:
• Allied health:
• Google Groups:


• Pubmed:
• SumSearch:
• WebMD:
• National Research Register (NRR):
• Current trials (International):
• PubMed Clinical Queries:
• The Cochrane Library:
• NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination Databases:
• UKOP (All UK Government publications):
• DoH Publications database:
• National Library of Guidelines


• Netting the Evidence:
• Triage:
• Google Health Directory:


• Biomed Central Journals:
• Evidence Based Nursing, Evidence Based Mental Health, etc.
• Bandolier


• Trent RDSU:
• Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (Oxford):
• School of Health and Related Resarch, University of Sheffield (ScHARR):
• Centre for Reviews and Dissemination:
• ARIF (Aggressive Research Intelligence Facility):
• HERU (Health Economics Research Unit):
• National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE):
• UK Department of Health:

Web searching and appraisal support and training materials:

• Netskills web-searching tutorials:
• Google’s ‘cheat-sheet’:
• PICO Questions:
• Judgehealth website appraisal:

Video and images:

• Google Images:
• You tube:

Subject-specific gateways and search engines:
• Intute:
• NLH:
• MedHunt:

Free-text search engines:
• Google:
• Google Scholar:

NHS Policy and Research:
· National Service Frameworks
· NHS Service Delivery and Organisation National Programme (SDO R & D)
· NHS R&D Programme

New! Netting the Evidence

For several months we have been concerned about the increasing challenge to keep up to date with resources in Evidence Based Practice.

As a consequence our internationally renowned "Netting the Evidence" resource is getting increasingly outdated.

We have now replaced our "Netting the Evidence" Resource List with a"Netting the Evidence Google Search Engine". This searches over one hundred web sites (107) associated with the METHODOLOGY of evidence based practice. [Please note: the TRIP database is the best source of actual evidence). This means that all links will be periodically refreshed but you only retrieve material on assessed EBP sites.

You can find the Search Engine at:

But the easiest route is at:

If you have any suggestions for additional sites to add please email Andrew Booth the site address.

The former Netting the Evidence site will shortly be removed.

Google Health

Photo by warrantedarrest

We came across this useful resource, which organises into categories and links you to good-quality health websites. There are further categories listed halfway down the homepage. We've had a play with it and the sites it links you to include BMJ and Bandolier pages so its quite good as we think you'll concur.

This resource is also mentioned in: Lenssen, P. (2007) First Google Healthscreenshots. Google Blogoscoped, 14 August. Screenshots and description ofproposed Google Health service for patient healthinformation.

Google Health Link

Mental Health Seminar

Photo by el_aguacil

Mental Health Research Seminar

Gay affirmative therapy:
a theoretical framework and defence
Dr. Darren Langdridge
The Open University

12.30-1.30pm on Friday 16th November 2007
Ground Floor Seminar Room, ScHARR, Regent Court,
University of Sheffield

Gay affirmative therapy (GAT) has recently emerged in an attempt to rectify previously discriminatory psychotherapeutic practice with lesbians, bisexuals and gay men. GAT aims to achieve this by providing a framework for practice which is affirmative of lesbian, gay and bisexual identities. This “positive framework” is clearly challenging for psychotherapies which seek to avoid imposing specific expectations on their clients and a number of humanistic and existential psychotherapists have challenged the applicability of such a framework for their practice. This paper examines these arguments and suggests that Ricoeur’s formulation of hermeneutic phenomenology may provide a solution. It is argued that incorporating a version of a hermeneutic of suspicion and critique of the illusions of the subject into psychotherapeutic practice would enable therapists to recognise and work with the twin impact of the psychotherapist and social world on the construction of a client’s sexual identity.

Presenter biography
Dr. Darren Langdridge is a lecturer in social psychology at the Open University, a Chartered Psychologist and UKCP accredited existential psychotherapist. Darren has extensive experience in working clinically with sexual minority clients as well as writing and conducting research on ‘new sexualities’, amongst other topics. He is the author (or editor) of a number of books and numerous papers/chapters including, most recently, Phenomenological Psychology: Theory, Research and Method (Pearson Education) and (with Dr. Meg Barker) Safe, Sane and Consensual: Contemporary Perspectives on Sadomasochism (Palgrave).

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Seasonal Flu National Knowledge Week

Photo by AnA oMeLeTe

The National electronic Library for Infection (NeLI) are running a National Knowledge Week on Seasonal Flu this week (29th Oct-2nd Nov). The week is a collaboration with the National Resource for Infection Control and the Health Protection Agency, and aims to provide health professionals with up-to-date knowledge on Seasonal Influenza. The resources include, information on circulating influenza virus strains, their impact on different population groups, the flu vaccine uptake programme and guidance on the use of antiviral therapy. Visit the NeLI for more information.

Heart Failure National Knowledge Week

Photo by yellowrubberduck

The National Library for Health Cardiovascular Diseases Specialist Library is holding a National Knowledge Week on Heart Failure this week (29th Oct-2nd Nov). The aim of the week is to update health professionals and patients on significant advances in knowledge about heart failure. Please visit the Cardiovascular Diseases Specialist Library for more details.

Friday, 19 October 2007

NEW Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes

Are you looking for funding for a new project or programme?

Then have a look through the new edition of

Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes

Photo by Steve Batch

The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.

Wednesday, 17 October 2007

e-Learning for Health Librarians

Photo by Video_Villain

Some of you may not know that IR run a programme of e-learning courses for health information professionals, under the name FOLIO (Facilitated Online Learning as an Interactive Opportunity)! We have just started delivering our 19th course to UK librarians providing information to the NHS. The course is called "Machiavel" and is all about making your case successfully, covering topics such as advocacy, stakeholders and presentation skills. For more information on Machiavel and the other FOLIO courses, please visit our FOLIO Wiki at:

Thursday, 11 October 2007

Full Free Text

Here's an old one, but a good one for all students and staff carrying out their research. The Free Full Text website contains links direct links to over 7000 scholarly periodicals which allow some or all of their online content to be viewed by ANYONE with Internet access for free of charge (though some may require free registration).
The issue(s) which are available for free are indicated for each title on the alphabetical periodical lists - go fish!

Monday, 8 October 2007

Public Health Lecture - Born in Bradford: A birth cohort study

Photo by Ben Scicluna
Born in Bradford: A birth cohort study
Public Health Lecture


Professor Neil Small, Bradford University

12.30-1.30pm on Tuesday 16th October 2007
St George’s Lecture Theatre 2, Frederick Mappin Building,
University of Sheffield

Born in Bradford is recruiting 10000 babies and their parents. Recruitment began in March 2007 and we have 3000 mothers, 1000 fathers and nearly 1000 babies already recruited. Half of births in Bradford are to parents of Pakistani origin. This presentation will identify the public health context in which the study was developed - it will summarise steps taken to establish the cohort and will identify main research aims. The future plans for the cohort will be summarised including thoughts regarding studies on infant growth, diabetes, neurological illness and on the relationship between ethnicity, deprivation, social capital and early child development.(see
Neil Small is Professor of Health Research in Bradford University and is the academic lead for Born in Bradford. He is a sociologist by background and, prior to discovering how life can be easily be taken over by setting up big cohort studies, he studied chronic and life limiting illness.

National Knowledge Week on Ethnic Health

Photo by cushdy
The Ethnicity and Health Specialist Library, part of the National Library for Health, has launched 'National Knowledge Week on Ethnic Health: 8-14 October 2007'. Each day during the week, a different sub-topic will be covered, under the overall theme of "Cultural Competence in Health Care service delivery". Themes to be covered include diabetic care and obesity, interpretation and language support, supporting people in mental health, screening for disease, end of life care and patient choices.

Friday, 5 October 2007

World Mental Health Day

photo by tanakawho

The World Mental Health Day is due to take place on 10 October 2007 - for more information go to:

Wednesday, 3 October 2007

NEW Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships

Are you looking for funding for a Fellowship or Studentship? Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships.

Photo by kiki99

The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.

National Knowledge Weeks

Ladder of Knowledge by degreezero2000

The National Library for Health has launched three National KnowledgeWeeks this week:-

National Knowledge Week on Antenatal Care: 1-7 October 2007

National Knowledge Week on Complementary and Alternative Medicine forLow Back Pain: 1-5 October 2007

National Knowledge Week on Osteoarthritis: 1-8 October 2007

Take Five October

Take Five October 2007 is out now.

It is packed full of current awareness, training courses, research funding opportunities and new websites.

Take Five is the Trent RDSU’s monthly update. To join the Take Five distribution list please contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

Tuesday, 2 October 2007

Mind the Map

While trawling around the good old Internet we came across this great, free tool to help you mind-map your ideas at the touch of a cursor.
We think this site could not only save you a few headaches but a load of paper, plus it's a fun way to create ideas for essay, academic paper or even shopping list. Just go to:
You can create visual structures of essay plans, project plans etc which are easy to edit - you can add, move, edit or delete the bubbles really easily. You can also print them or export them as jpegs for emailing.

We'd like to get to know you better

Photo by MarilynJane
We're a nosy bunch at The Trent RDSU Information Service, if our library had curtains we'd be twitching them right now. So until The Trent RDSU or University of Sheffield put their hand in the pocket to buy some we're going to have to ustilise modern methods to find out something about you all, and to achieve this we've added a small poll at the bottom of this page so that you can quickly tell us who you are....well what you do.

Friday, 28 September 2007

Forthcoming Health Events

Photo by Shutr

The following health events are due to take place next week/month:
- International Day of Older Persons (1 October 2007)

- International Walk to School Month (1-31 October 2007)

- Lupus Awareness Month (1-31 October 2007)

ScHARR Library awarded CILIP Seal of Recognition!

We've recently heard that we have been awarded the CILIP Seal of Recognition for our teaching and training activities. The award is made by the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals and recognises " high standards in the content and relevance of a range of training and development activities". The awarding panel said that we had provided "an excellent submission" which was "a model of the type of activity for which the Seal of Recognition was devised"! You can find out more about the Seal of Recognition at:

Thursday, 27 September 2007

Mental Health Research Seminar - Social perception in children with autism and Asperger Syndrome

Picture by Flashfonic
Mental Health Research Seminar

Social perception in children with autism and Asperger Syndrome

By Steven Stagg,

Psychology Department, Goldsmiths College, University of London

12.30-1.30pm on Tuesday 16 October 2007

Ground Floor Seminar Room, ScHARR, Regent Court,University of Sheffield

Steven holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology (Open University) and a master’s in research methods (London University). He is currently studying for his PhD in the subject of this talk about which he says: “One of the major criteria used to diagnose Autism is impairment in social functioning manifest in lack of eye-contact and diminished interaction with others. Recent eye-tracking studies have proved inconclusive in confirming this, showing both a preference for human figures over objects in children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) (van der Geest, Kemner, Camfferman, Verbaten, & van Engeland, 2002) and abnormal attention to social stimuli (Klin, Jones, Schultz, Volkmar, & Cohen, 2002). This talk centres on a recent study carried out towards my PhD to see if children with ASD show normal patterns of eye-movement when faced with a complex choice of social stimuli and whether children diagnosed with High Functioning Autism and Asperger Syndrome show equivalent performance.”

Friday, 21 September 2007

NEW Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes

Are you looking for funding for a new project or programme? Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes.

Photo by reway2007

The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.

Wednesday, 19 September 2007

Take Your Dog to Work Day

The 14th September was the Blue Cross 'Take Your Dog to Work Day' and as part of this charity event Andy Tattersall brought his own pooch Thatcher into the library for a stint of her dad's work in addition to a lot of sleeping. It is important to mention that Andy didn't name the dog Thatcher, she came with that monikor and was apparently named after Maggie T.

As part of the day, a sweepstake was held to guess the name of a mystery dog and £75 was raised in total with the aid of cakes and one lovable animal...that's Thatcher not Andy.
A big thanks to all those who supported the day

Monday, 17 September 2007

Atopic Eczema National Knowledge Week: 17-21 September 2007

The Skin Disorders Specialist Library, part of the National Library for Health, is holding its National Knowledge Week on Atopic Eczema from Monday 17th September until Friday 21st September 2007.

This event is being arranged to correspond with National Eczema Week. The National Knowledge Week is particularly aimed at NHS health professionals, and will highlight sources of information and guidance on atopic eczema and its treatment.

Included will be the library's first Annual Evidence Update on Atopic Eczema, with the results of a comprehensive search for systematic reviews on atopic eczema and eczema therapies. There will also be commentaries from a range of invited experts.

Thursday, 13 September 2007

Take Five September

Photo by VirtualErn

Take Five is the Trent RDSU’s monthly update, packed floor-to-ceiling with training events, research funding and the latest health news.

To join the Take Five distribution list please contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

Booth on the Move.................

Having attended the BMA in London on the 10th September, Andrew hot footed off to Gatwick Airport to fly to Cracow on the 11th, to present at the EAHIL - [European Association for Health Information and Librarians 2007 Workshop] held 12-15th September in Cracow, Poland.
photos taken from

Families and Public Health Research Bulletin

ScHARR Information Resources have been working with the National Assembly for Wales over the past 2 years to create a series of Research Bulletins in Public Health. These summarise a selection of the best available evidence on a given topic and include a comment on quality and implications for practice section. The latest bulletin looks at the role of families in Public Health. To view an online copy of the bulletin click here

New-look HTA website launched

Photo by Sergioς

The new site provides all the existing services provided by the HTA programme, including detailed project information and search facilities. It has new features such as a ‘what’s related’ section, a rolling ‘latest news’ bar, and a logical and intuitive site structure will make it easier for you to use and enjoy the site.

The new site, which retains the address, provides all the existing services provided by the HTA programme, including detailed project information and search facilities.

Pregnancy Health Month

Photo by bies

Considering that ScHARR has one of the most fertile buildings in the whole of South Yorkshire, it is worth highlighting the event below.

Pregnancy Health Month (1-30 September 2007)

Health Economics and Decision Science - Seminar Programme Autumn 2007

photo by jobonipc

You can tell when it's the end of the summer when the football season starts, party political conferences appear and the Health Economics and Decision Science Autumn Seminar Programme returns.

We have some great speakers and encourage you to attend.

Karl Claxton

University of York
PPRS is dead: long live value based pricing!
Thursday 20th September 12.30-1.30pm
Lecture theatres 1 and 2, Regent Court

Hugh Gravelle

University of York(Joint seminar with Economics)
Wednesday 17th October 4.00-5:30pm
Room 118, Management Building

Joanna Coast

University of Birmingham
Assessing capability in health care: philosophy & methodology
Thursday 15th November 12.30-1.30pm Lecture theatres 1 and 2, Regent Court

For further information please contact Donna Rowen or John Brazier

Study reveals the meanings behind football shirts

photo by SqueakyMarmot
Not health-related, although too much health information can turn you into a hypercondriac -FACT! ; but this piece of research is nonetheless still interesting and we thought it was worthy of a mention on the ScHARR Blog pages. It is the first study into the meanings people attach to replica football shirts and why they wear them.....hmm

HSR Research Seminars for Autumn 07

The latest batch of Health Services Research Research Seminars Autumn 2007 are only just round the corner.

All the seminars will be held on Mondays, in the first floor lecture rooms, Regent Court (Regent Street entrance) at 12.30pm. Coffee will be provided and you are welcome to bring your own sandwiches. All ScHARR staff and students are invited to these meetings.

1st October
Dr Danny Hind, (ScHARR)University of SheffieldThe external validity of cancer therapeutics trials

22nd October

5th November
Professor Kamaldeep Bhui, Professor of Cultural Psychiatry & Epidemiology, Wolfson Institute of Preventive Medicine, Queen Mary’s University of London

12th November
Mr Michael Macintosh,
University of Sheffield A qualitative study of organisational influences on the activity of chest pain units during the ESCAPE trial

19th November
Dr Petra Meier (ScHARR),
University of Sheffield
Drug Treatment Processes and Evaluation

26th November
Dr Lorraine Ellis, University of Sheffield
Professional doctorates

Thursday, 6 September 2007

NEW Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships

Are you looking for funding for a Fellowship or Studentship? Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships.

Photo by JasonRogers

The Trent RDSU Information Service @ ScHARR sends out a fortnightly update on current regional and national research funding opportunities via email. If you would like to be added to the distribution list for this world-famous* publication, contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email

For more information about the funding searvice available from the ScHARR library please visit our Research Funding page.