Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Virtual Librarian Game

Posted by Andy

Someone once quite rightly pointed out that 'all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy'.
So to combat the problem of dullness in the information/library workplace someone has made a fun game to help solve this.
So why not take a few minutes out to brush up on your cataloguing and do some shelving? The game is fairly straightforward and uses The Library of Congress classification system.


Friday, 25 January 2008

NEW Research Funding Update: Project and Programmes

Do you have a great research idea but no funding? Are you looking for funding for a new project or programme?

Photo by Chris_J

Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update available in three different formats:

Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes (word version)
Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes (html version)
Research Funding Update: Projects and Programmes (PDF version)

If you would like to be added to the distribution list for the Research Funding Update please contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email a.j.wilkinson@sheffield.ac.uk
For more information about the funding service available from the ScHARR library please view our Research Funding page.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Take Five January

Photo by doylesaylor

Take Five January 2008 is out now.

It is packed full of current awareness, training courses, research funding opportunities and new websites.

Take Five is the Trent RDSU’s monthly update. To join the Take Five distribution list please contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email a.j.wilkinson@sheffield.ac.uk

Tuesday, 15 January 2008

HSR Seminars at ScHARR 2008

Photo by PinkMoose
Posted by Andy

Research Seminars
Jan-Mar 2008

All the seminars will be held on Mondays, in the Lecture Rooms 1&2 on the First Floor of ScHARR at Regent Court (Regent Street entrance) at 12.30pm.
Coffee will be provided and you are welcome to bring your own sandwiches.

28th January 2008
Mick Bond (Public Health)
Research Manager Derbyshire County PCT/Research Associate ScHARR

"The interface between MREC decision making on commercial drug trials, local prescribing policy and management approval"

4th February 2008
Sabrina Schulte PhD Student – Dubai

"Effectiveness of integrated vs Standard care for patients with dual diagnosis (mental health and addiction problems)"

11th February 2008
Nikki Fernandez – Astra Zeneca

"Title to be confirmed"

18th February 2008
Clare Relton – ScHARR

"A pilot 'Cohort RCT' of treatment by a homeopath for women with menopausal hot flushes"

25th February 2008
Stephen Senn - University of Glasgow

"Issues in Blinding Studies"

3rd March 2008
Nick Fox –

"'Health, identity and embodiment: findings from a programme of research'"

10th March 2008
Spencer Boyle

"Title to be confirmed"

Seminars organised by Caroline Dryden ScHARR)
( For further information please contact Joanne Turner on 0114 222 0751 or e-mail j.e.turner@sheffield.ac.uk.

Monday, 14 January 2008

Statistics in Medicine

Did you know that you can access full text articles from the journal Statistics in Medicine? Go to
http://www.swetswise.com/public/login.do and log in using your Athens password and username.

Friday, 11 January 2008

NEW Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships

Are you looking for funding for a Fellowship or Studentship? Then have a look through the new edition of the Research Funding Update available in three formats:

Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships (word version)
Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships (html version)

Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships (PDF version)

Photo by Weeping-Willow

If you would like to be added to the distribution list for the Research Funding Update contact me, Anna Wilkinson on 0114 2220894 or by email a.j.wilkinson@sheffield.ac.uk For more information about the funding service available from the ScHARR library please view our Research Funding page.

Thursday, 10 January 2008

Medical Statistics: a textbook for the health sciences by Mike Cambell, David Machin and Stephen Walters

This work provides students and practitioners with a clear, concise introduction to the statistics they will come across in their regular reading of clinical papers. Written by three experts with wide teaching and consulting experience, "Medical Statistics: A Textbook for the Health Sciences, Fourth Edition": assumes no prior knowledge of statistics; covers all essential statistical methods; completely revised, updated and expanded; includes numerous examples and exercises on the interpretation of the statistics in papers published in medical journals. From the reviews of the previous edition: "The book has several excellent features: it is written by statisticians, is...well presented, is well referenced...and is short." - "The Lancet". "Many statisticians are concerned at the generally poor standard of statistics in papers published in medical journals. Perhaps this could be remedied if more research workers would spare a few hours to read through Campbell and Machin's book." - British Medical Journal. "...a simple, interesting and insightful introduction to medical statistics...highly recommended." - "Statistical Methods in Medical Research". "Campbell and Machin found the golden mean...this book can be recommended for all students and all medical researchers." - "ISCB Newsletter" .

Available now for loan from ScHARR library or buy a personal copy from Blackwells Bookshop. Price £18.50

Review courtesy of Blackwells (http://bookshop.blackwell.co.uk)

Thursday, 3 January 2008

PRO Newsletter Online

Image © Mapi Trust 2007

The aim of the “Patient Reported Outcomes Newsletter” edited by Mapi Research Trust is to encourage and facilitate rapid dissemination and exchange of information relevant to PRO within the scientific community. Their PRO Newsletter Online”, the website of the “Patient Reported Outcomes Newsletter”, is updated several times per year.

You can subscribe for PRO newsflashes under “PRO e-Newsflash ” to receive the latest information update of the website by e-mail.

At any time you are invited to send your research papers on applied methods for elaboration and translation of your PRO instruments for multinational use, or the results of any Health Related Quality of Life (HRQL) studies.

Simply upload your document under “Submit an Article ”. It will then be reviewed by their internal editorial board and may be published twice yearly with the paper version of the PRO Newsletter to be distributed during international congresses of ISOQOL, ISPOR etc. They also welcome here short articles or any other information on your research, as well as any news and information on Patient-Reported Outcomes (announcements of publications, meetings, websites etc.).

To facilitate exchange of opinions, they invite you to visit their “Forum ” where you can chat with other experts in the PRO field on fixed or free themes. Or you can visit their “Media Centre ”, an archive which provides all PRO Newsletter articles, their references and the complete PRO Newsletter issues since its first edition – for reading and download.

The latest issue of PRO Newsletter #38 can be downloaded below

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Happy New Year

Photo by 'Speculando
Here at ScHARR Library we'd like to wish all of our colleagues, students and friends the very best wishes for 2008.
Please remember that our library and information service is open five days a week.
Monday - Thursday 9-5
Fridays 10-5
We hope to see you in 2008!

Recommended Website of the Month - EBM Page Generator

Image - Copyright 2006 Trustees of Dartmouth College and Yale University
The EBM Page Generator helps you create your own EBM web page with your resources for your website.
If you want to see a sample page before trying out your own - point your browser to:
Or if you just want to dive in and create your own EBM page click on the link below, after which you’ll end up with the code to export your model to your own web site.