Established in 1994 ScHARR's Information Resources team has established itself as a key national player in providing information support to health technology assessment and health services research. The team is made up of professional, highly trained Information Specialists who are involved in the forefront of research, teaching, support and development. This is our blog where we talk about the diverse work we do: #Teach #Research #Search #Support
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Cilip unveil their new Information and Advice Blog
New Publications, Reports and Statistics
National Library for Public Health Medicine
Posted by Andy
Thursday, 24 April 2008
Writing Competition for MRC-funded PhD Students
With a prize of £1000 on offer and the chance to mingle with journalists and novelists, MRC-funded research students with a penchant for writing will not want to miss out on an opportunity to communicate their science.
The Max Perutz science writing competition, a prestigious award aimed at encouraging and recognising outstanding communication among young MRC researchers, is open to MRC-funded PhD students. The MRC has invited them to write an article, aimed at a non-specialist audience, conveying the significance of the research and benefits to human health.
Shortlisted entrants, chosen by a high-profile panel of writers, journalists and scientists – including science writer Georgina Ferry – will be invited to an awards ceremony in London in July. They will also have the chance to attend a masterclass run by Ruth Padel, a poet and Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, and the great great grand-daughter of Charles Darwin. The winning entry will be published in the Guardian newspaper, and there are money prizes for runners up too.
Articles up to 800 words are being submitted ahead of the closing date of 19 May. More information about the competition including previous winning entries, can be found at
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
National knowledge week on rheumatoid arthritis
The National Library for Health have launched the National Knowledge Week on Rheumatoid Arthritis 21st - 26th April 2008.
"Ray of Light" St. Joseph County Public Library Version
Posted by Andy
As per usual each month, we've ransacked the repository of the good, the bad and plain ugly, namely YouTube, to bring you more library and information goodies. This time it's the St. Joseph County Public Library 'video' version of Madonna's number one hit Ray of Light. It's quite a good take on the original, although you do have to put up with an awful lot of bad hair days, inaine grins and lots and lots of waving - Goodbye!
Friday, 18 April 2008
NEW Research Funding Update Projects and Programmes
Then see the new edition of the Research Funding Update
For more information about Research Funding Service provide by the Trent Information Service @ScHARR please see our Research Funding page or contact me on 0114 2220894 or by email
Thursday, 10 April 2008
S1 Alumni Newsletter
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
NHS Staff and Patient's Survey
The Healthcare Commission has published the results from the annual survey of NHS staff. Between October and December last year, a proportionate sample of staff were asked for their views and experiences of working for the NHS in England. The survey results showed that staff were generally satisfied in their jobs. There are also clear improvements in relation to infection control, with 82% of staff saying their trust does enough to promote the importance of hand-washing to staff, up from 70% in 2005. But there remains work to be done in making sure that hand-washing equipment is always available to staff when they need it. The survey also showed that more action is needed to address violence and abuse. Additionally, only 26% thought their trust valued their work, down from 28% in 2005. Survey responses indicate poor levels of communication between staff and senior management, with only 22% thinking it is effective. Press release:
Report of the National Patient Choice Survey
'Report of the National Patient Choice Survey, England - November 2007' has been published by the Department of Health. This report gives the final results of around 78,000 responses to the tenth national patient choice survey commissioned to assess the implementation of choice at PCT level. The series of surveys, conducted by Ipsos MORI on behalf of the Department, monitor patient awareness of choice and recall of having been offered a choice of hospital for their first outpatient appointment. They were designed to provide a national overview of choice and summary results at PCT level, with a revised format from November 2007 incorporating new questions.
Press release:
Monday, 7 April 2008
Choice Matters - working with libraries
Latest Current Awareness Bulletins
Friday, 4 April 2008
NEW Research Funding Update: Fellowships and Studentships
Then have a look through the latest edition of the Research Funding Update: Studentships and Fellowships
For more information about the funding service please visit our Research Funding page.