Monday, 31 October 2011

ScHARR Bite Size for Research - Tuesday 1st November - 2.30pm - Eric Wilkes Room - Scirus Search Engine

 Posted by Andy
Do you need to search patents, theses, scientists' homepage and institutional
repositories. Come along to find out about searching Scirus, described as the
most comprehensive scientific research tool on the web. Scirius' focus is
scientific items and it has over 440 million scientific items indexed at last count.
 Results can be exported in RIS format so can be put straight into Reference
Manager, Mendeley or Endnote.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Research Funding Update - Fellowships and Studentships

Photo by ***Yellow***  
 Post by Anna
The latest issue of the Research Funding Update can be viewed by following this link

Previous editions of the update can be viewed here

Friday, 7 October 2011

October Edition of Take Five

Picture by incurable_hippie
 Post by Anna Cantrell

The latest edition of Take Five is packed full of new websites, research funding opportunities,training courses and current awareness.You can view it here

An archive of the Take Five Newsletter and other research funding updates can be viewed here

Monday, 3 October 2011

ScHARR Bite Size for Research #15 - Video and Podcasting in ScHARR - 2.30pm - October 5th - Eric Wilkes Room

Posted by Andy

with Andy Tattersall and Chris Blackmore
The use of video and audio content within Universities is becoming increasingly
common as we move further down the path towards a digital world. This is
especially the case with blended and elearning as a means to deliver content and
engage with students. Video and audio can also be employed as a valuable and
effective marketing tool for our department and courses through mediums such
as the University’s streaming video server 'uPlayer', YouTube and potentially iTunesU. It can be
applied in our research and gives a quick snapshot of what ScHARR does that in
the past meant pages and pages of text. Andy Tattersall and Chris Blackmore will
 look at the benefits of audio and video and show the work they have already
 done in support of ScHARR’s IHTA P&R course amongst other things. In the
session they will share the many things they have found out along the way as to
what makes a good and bad video.