The CILIP MultiMedia and Information Technology Group's national conference on the Cloud for library and information professionals is less than two weeks away and there's still time to book. With over a dozen expert speakers covering a wide range of topics on the Cloud at an affordable price, there's not much not to like.
The programme has been finalised and we're really excited as this conference is looking even better than last year's
Have a look below to see what we're going to be talking about in the Cloud.
9:30 -
registration and morning coffee Richard
Roberts Foyer
10:00 –
Introduction and welcome – Chris Sexton, University of Sheffield, Leo Appleton,
MmIT Richard Roberts Auditorium
10:15 -11:00
– Keynote presentation by Karen Blakeman, RBA Information Services “Searching
in the cloud” Richard Roberts Auditorium
11:00 -11.50
– Parallel workshops sessions 1
Sandu & Adjoa Boateng (University of East London) “The UEL Library:
Entering the Cloud” Room A84
Robinson (OCLC) “Something good is going to happen” : an overview of developing
a cloud based solution” Room A85
Emily Goodhand (University of Reading) Cloud(y) Law:
unpacking the issues for library & information professionals Room
11.50 - 12.10
– Break Richard Roberts Foyer
12.10-13:00 -
Parallel workshops sessions 2
Tattersall & Claire Beecroft (University of Sheffield) “CloudMe – Being an
Effective LIS Professional without Touching Terra Firma” Room A84
Cox (University of Sheffield) “Research data management – what is the library’s
role?” Room A85
Walk (UKOLN) “Bring your own Cloud” Room
13.00 – 13:45
– Lunch Richard Roberts Foyer
13:45 – 14:30
– Rapid fire sessions Richard Roberts
14.30 – 15:20
- Parallel workshops sessions 3
Parkes (University of Staffordshire) “Implementing the Koha Library Management
System” Room A84
Beal (JISC) "Collaborating to create ebooks in the cloud: media rich
resources for teaching, learning and assessment" Room A85
Ruddock (MIMAS) “Opening up – bibliographic data-sharing and interoperability” Room A87
15:20 – 16:00
– Panel Q&A – Dave Parkes, Anthony Beal, Bethan Ruddock, Karen Blakeman,
Paul Walk, Emily Goodhand Richard
Roberts Auditorium
16:00 Close