Photo by by testdriverone
Posted by Andy
I did set out with the intention of being all Web2.0 savvy and writing daily updates from the EAHIL Conference in Ireland, but if I’m truly honest I’ve not had time or been able to find a free laptop to plonk myself down in front of. So here I am in the makeshift Internet cafe consisting of a dozen or so laptops and a lot of wires – it’s all very much like what you’d see at a sporting event with journalists all filling copy to their various editors – except here it’s librarians and information bods checking emails, Ebay and EAHIL.
I was going to Twitter like a few of the people here, but a person like me usually needs more than 140m characters to say what I mean.
This morning’s plenary presentation on 'Supporting the Researcher of the Future' by myself and veteran conference speaker Andrew Booth went very well, and will no doubt lead to further presentations for the latter presenter. Already Andrew is booking flight tickets to Sweden and Portugal, such is the established brand.
As for me, It seems that a combination of sitting in the hotel bar last night reading my slides whilst mulling over a Coke, my wife’s Bach Flower Remedies and her prayers have seen me through my first ever presentation at a conference in front of about 180 people, although I wasn’t counting them.
I think the food...er conference was really good, and following the feedback from various attendees it seems the presentation went down well. My startled rabbit impression before I spoke was only noticed by a couple of fellow University of Staff based in Information Studies, so I may well do this again sometime. For me personally the fact I made it through with no swearing, or inappropriate jokes was a result in its self.
I’ve seen little of Dublin expect the area around the castle and Temple Bar, although a nice walk along the river to the Dublin Zoo and Phoenix Park to meet my family last night was quite enjoyable – there’s no doubting the vibrancy in such a wonderful city – despite how much it costs to exist here.
Well the storm clouds are gathering as I prepare to take my family 45 miles down the road for a week or so in Wicklow, but being English I should be used to Island weather, in fact several people warned me of Ireland weather, so I should have expected it. Considering it had been sunny for the whole of this week and for the one previous to this – according to my taxi driver this morning – makes me feel somewhat better – not! A holiday is a holiday and I doubt a few rain showers will spoil it.
It was a jolly good presentation - I think we both have to learn a bit from Ronald, but I think we both did OK for a first time. Hope you had a good holiday!
Hi Andy,
I think it went very well too! I must say I was amazed about you guys showing "my" Netvibes Public Page of the Central Medical Library of the UMCG. And me being chair at that session!
I hope we can exchange info on setting these things up soon!
Andy, i think it was a good talk and delivery! Of course that is partly because you guys amazed me by showing "my" Public Page from the Central Medical Library UMCG (http://www.netvibes.com/cmb)in your slides. ;-)
Hope you decide to go public on the link & embed on Slideshare soon. And that we can exchange info on the process of creating these pages!
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