Monday 16 July 2012

Altmetrics - Making the Social Web to Improve your Academic Profile

Posted by Andy

Andy Tattersall and Claire Beecroft will be running this 2 hour workshop next month for ScHARR Staff @ the Information Commons - Classroom E-02 - 1st August 10-12.

To book on the workshop - fill in this very quick form:

Details of the workshop are below.

So you’ve written a paper, presented a paper or taken your poster to a conference - what next? Invariably you start the next paper, apply for the next pot of funding or submit the next abstract - such is the cycle of life that is academia. The model is not too different from that of a music artist, they record an album (write the paper) and then go on tour (present at a conference). What they also do very well is promotion, interviews and marketing, this is key to getting their material out to the masses - yet for the most part in academia we don’t make that connection.
There is however a growing band of professionals and academics that employ the growing number of social media tools out there to promote their work and make connections.

The purpose of this workshop will be to introduce the many tools and techniques you can easily and freely employ to help promote your work and your profile, help make connections and stay abreast of what is happening in your field of research and teaching.

From Twitter to Blogger, from Slideshare to YouTube to SocialCam, from Prezi to Slideshare and from Researchgate to LinkedIn we will touch on to all of the platforms to help project your work and profile. We will also look at the various tools labelled Altmetrics that offer an alternative based on social media for analyzing, and informing scholarship.

The workshop will be hands and on and we will make you do some very scary things, like create a Twitter profile, Tweet, use a hashtag and follow someone. We’ll also make you join Google + and create a circle of contacts, plus upload a presentation up to Slideshare - so bring one with you.
The workshop will show you that these tools are very much geared up to help promote and support your career, that they don’t bite and don’t need to be a burden time-wise. We are entering a world where all media will be social, where traditional marketing has changed and heavily uses these tools and one where there is growing pressure for the academic publishing model to adapt to the changing world.

You’ve worked hard to write that paper, create that poster and make that presentation - so why not shout about it?

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